The next generation of xAI’s Grok. Grok Baby.
Join Us
When you’re not afraid to do a big thing — there’s something happens. If your AI afraid of crypto — your AI sucks. We’re not afraid.

Immerse yourself in the new dream of artificial intelligence, the dream of geniuses and fans of artificial intelligence can create something more.
About us
With original $GROK and with >18.000X and inspiration of Elon Musk’s intellect we’re ready to deploy Grok Baby.
The next big thing.
If you’re missed a original $GROK never be afraid you still can gain profits with Grok Baby. With new vision to AI.
The solution for everyone.
Marketing Plan
Update Dextools and Ave project informationETH live trending 18 hours Twitter worldwide trending Dexview trending for 24 hours
Ave trending TOP 1-3 CMC priority listing CG Fast TrackBanners campaigns on Dexview, Dextools, 4chan
Partnership with a major Twitter influencers Huge buyback and burn event Tier 2 CEX Listing
Integration with OKX DEX and wallet Going global with billboards around the world Tier 1 CEX Listing
Presale: 600.000.000 (60%)
Liquidity: 350.000.000 (35%)
Burned: 50.000.000 (5%)
Taxes: 1/1
Phase -1
Whitepaper and Website
Develop a comprehensive whitepaper outlining the project's vision, tokenomics, and technical details.
Design and launch an informative and user-friendly website that serves as a central hub for project information.
Fair Launch of the Token
Execute a fair and transparent token launch to build trust among the community.
Allocate a significant budget for marketing efforts, including paid advertising, influencer collaborations, and community engagement.
Preparing for Marketing
Conduct market research to identify key competitors and target audience.
Establish partnerships with influencers and communities within the cryptocurrency space.
Launching the Token
Execute the token launch, ensuring a smooth and secure process.
Engage with the community during and after the launch to address concerns and provide support.
Phase -2
Prepare and submit accurate information for CoinMarketCap (CMC) and CoinGecko (CG) listings.
Actively engage with trending topics in the cryptocurrency space to increase visibility.
Increasing the Volume
Implement liquidity strategies to increase trading volume.
Leverage the increased visibility on these platforms to attract more users and investors.
Phase -3
CEX Listings
Pursue listings on reputable centralized exchanges CEX to increase accessibility
Increased Number of Investors
Continue targeted outreach to attract new investors.
Host virtual events, webinars, and AMAs to interact with the community and address queries.
Engage in negotiations and meet the requirements for listing.
A amazing crypto genius is here.
Don’t waste it up.
About Us
Social Media
Token Presale